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3. CycleOut London
Cycle club for gay men, lesbians, GBT and their friends. All abilities welcome. CycleOut London is the gay cycling club. We offer a range of organised bicycle rides for all skill levels. From tours around London tourist spots (with lots of cups of tea) to cycle touring around the Essex countryside. We also organise holidays away such as Mallorca, Rimini and Sardinia. Lots of weekends cycling as well such as the Cheddar Gorge, Exeter and Durham. Run by volunteers for all members of London's LGBT community.
click here for further information Hits: [2606] |
5. Gay Bikers Motorcycle Club
GBMCC are the biggest gay biking club in Europe. GBMCC began in 1977 as a club for gay men and women bikers in the UK. With a current membership of around 350, we are the biggest gay biking club in Europe. Our members come from all over the UK and there are an increasing number from Europe and Overseas.
Our members are of all ages and backgrounds. We naturally have varied biking interests, but we are primarily a road-riding club. Riding experience ranges from novice through to advanced riders and club racers. It is our interest in motorcycles and motorcycling, which brings us together.
The club offers its members a lively programme of events as well as support and friendship.
click here for further information Hits: [1790] |
6. Gay Caravan and Motorhome Club
The Gay Caravan & Motorhome Club is the longest running UK based club for the gay community; who just happen to share a common interest and own either a Caravan, Tent or Motorhome.
We are a club that is run by members for members, who enjoy sharing times away with others throughout the UK and occasionally Europe. We are a sociable friendly club which has been running successfully and growing since 1990, where the emphasis is on our common enjoyment of Caravanning, Camping and Motorhoming.
click here for further information Hits: [1816] |
7. Gay Classic Car Group
Welcome to the Gay Classic Car Group (GCCG) - the club for all LGBT classic car enthusiasts and their friends.
The GCCG is a UK-based classic car club with around 1000 mainly gay and lesbian members who enjoy a common enthusiasm for classic cars of all kinds. We organise events all year round .
click here for further information Hits: [2280] |
8. Gay Outdoor Club
The Gay Outdoor Club is a members club - no one is paid for their role in it and no-one makes a profit from it. Every member is welcome to play a part in running the club, perhaps by organising an event, by helping to run a group or serving on the committee.
To many of our members, GOC is more than just a walking group - they have found enduring friendships and the opportunity to get out and do events that they otherwise wouldn't have had the chance to.
GOC consists of about 40 groups, which are either geographically based or specialise in a type of activity (e.g. climbing), and all events are organised through one of those groups. The local groups are run by one or more coordinators who schedule their events, are available to answer questions about their group and welcome new people.
click here for further information Hits: [4890] |
9. Grace's Cricket Club
The website of Grace's Cricket Club, the world's only gay cricket club, based in London. Plays over 25 games per season, and runs many social events. The website features an open message board for gay cricketers and gay cricket fans worldwide.
click here for further information Hits: [2258] |
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